Thursday, September 2, 2010

Elements of Design

This image suggests infinity with its use of direction and with the artistic work of a pencil, also creates implied texture. The tree (or whatever it is) spirals down, going into foreverness. The texture is drawn in and made to look like bark. That's why it is considered implied and not real. 
The balance in this image is Asymmetrical. The tree (or whatever it is) is not equal as it spirals down. There is open space between the foreground and background parts of the tree.
This image is a great representation of calmness and tranquility. The horizon in this picture is a horizontal line (of course). Your eyes rest and relax as they focus on the middle. Slow currents gently go up and down, creating a sense of peace. This image also suggests size and perspective. The mountains in the background become faded in their value and smaller in size compared to mountains in the front.
Proportion has a big effect in this image. There is a boat in front of the closest mountain in the picture. The boat is way smaller in comparison to the mountain. There is also open space to the left of the mountain creating an Asymmetrical balance in the picture. 
This image suggests infinity. Although it's not technically a spiral, the image uses color and a series of circles (shape) to imply foreverness. The circles gradually become smaller, acting as a spiral that goes down and down and down and down (and down) into the deep recesses of the mind... maybe gave that a little too much thought. Anyway, it's really trippy.
The circles in this picture use repetition to created a sense of Rhythm. Much of the image is shown in a rainbow spectrum, but the black in the picture gives emphasis to the circles. 


  1. goood pictures! and pretty good explanations. :) and that last picture is trippy. messes with your mind :o

  2. great pictures and explanations of the elements!

  3. The last picture look like it want to pop out. Great pictures and explanations.

  4. They say it best you did a great job.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Thanks for your nice comment on my photo "Calm Waters", pal. I really appreciate it. I guess you copied it from website. Still it would be nice if you had given credit to the owners of the photos you publish here. They're copyrighted you know.;)
