Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Tyler Schlandt - My Bio

Hello people of the interwebs, mostly my Graphic Design class, this is my first blog and will be information about me that you may or may not care about. My name is Tyler Schlandt, I'm a senior at my high school, I live with my step mother and dad, and I have 3 brothers. I've lived in College Station for all my life and the same house for 17 years. This summer I went to Washington to visit my real mother and had a pretty good time. I'm actually planning to move up there right out of high school. Hopefully I can get a job in Seattle and move into my own apartment. In my spare time I like to pick around on my guitar, hang with friends, and sleep. I'm kind of a computer geek though I haven't built my own yet. I really enjoy technology, but don't have a job to support my craving. Video games are also kind of a hobby of mine, but I'm glad to say they don't take up my life. Hopefully my final year of high school will be alright. I have interesting classes, including this one, and some interesting teachers as well. The only problem is that I'm a perfectionist and so much of one that it could be considered a little OCD. Maybe this is getting too personal. I'm sad to say I haven't done much volunteering and I've never even joined a club. Shy is what I've been called and I usually keep to myself unless friends are around. Maybe I should try to break out of my shell? I guess you probably don't have to much interest in that. I guess this ends my bio.

Peace - JTS

1 comment:

  1. I absolutely L O V E Carlton Banks!! Oh and by the way nice bio:)
